Sunday, March 9, 2008

scared Sh1t !

I used to be scared before..watching stuff like blair with project, read salem's lot etc. But, i was in for a ride with that one. I can say one thing..'mind over matter'. the movie, well it is a sam raimi anyway, is very well done with a possibility of it happening when you are 'out there' on your own.

Mysql 5.x Adding New users.

I tried to create a new user with the mysql admin tool on windows (version 5.x) but ot no avail. Is there a bug with domain servers ? the message was '...dataset has changed..refresh your result set..'.. Although I had no-one opened. I wonder...

Anyway I used the good old method of starting the command line and adding the user manually..

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'' identified by 'XXXXX';

most people forget the quote '' on the user 'root' or otherwise..

u have too usually to flush privileges after this command.

Oracle RAC on windows. to most oracle dba, they will u that there is no such thing as oracle rac on windows..'goodness gracious..this is blasphemy!'..

actually there is and it surprisingly seem to be quite resilient.


well, i have just finished the episode 1 and 2 of season 2. Jericho has gone interesting this season. What i like, is the murkiness of everyone involved, from the committed military man to the main character himself.