Saturday, July 9, 2011


always i confused between bernard and henri levy. Just finished 'le premier jour' not bad at all. I will wait a while before reading the 'la premiere nuit'. I find the story a bit uneventful though, by that i mean i was expecting more 'interiorisation' of the characters. It read like a fast pace grisham. But, dont get me wrong i enjoyed it. it has been a while i had a french book..

How to upgrade a cluster from ocfs 1.4 to 1.6

FRom metalink, it seems we can upgrade one and then the other..but be warned, backup has to be cold and tested...

OCFS 1.4 -- 1.6

please read the metalink or the ocfs blogger. There are many features. So far the access seems to be more stable, but i am disappointed that ocfs2 has only one private lan for interconnet...not cool..i will need to use 'network teaming' to have some resilience.

Unbreakable Kernel.

we have upgraded the Oracle Unbreakable from version 5.2 to 5.5.
What we did was:-
we install an http server with the 5.6 kernel as repository.
we boot on a 5.6 DVD and upgraded the beast to the normal XEN kernel.
Then, we reconfigure YUM on the server to access the repository..

we yum install yum-utils, yum install kernel*, yum install oracle-*, yum install ocfs2*

why all this gimmick..I was unsure about the support and problem potential of upgrading an ocfs 1.4 to ocfs 1.6

Unbrekable kernel works ok, so far, i have not seen the 'memory leakage' of the 5.2 kernel..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

System Tablespace issue.

Discovered something, you can get weird behaviour on oracle R11.07 rac if you have system on a slower filesystem. we have discovered that a LUN confugured with a slower SYSTEM tablespace gave the database funny behaviours. And of course gave R12.1 funnier behaviours. Transactions not count(*) from obj took ten minutes etc. So, when you create a SAN be careful on how the file system is created, use RAD10 or RAID5 only (or others with stripping option).

Another hint, upgrade OCFS to latest version, but be warned ocfs version must be same as the kernel version. uname -a for kernel version and rpm -qa | grep ocfs for ocfs.

good took us ages to get that one right.