Sunday, January 6, 2008


I have finished finally the book baudolino by umberto eco. I have been reading that book on and off for the past five years. Well, baudolino is not as fun as umberto's other book but it is an erudite travel in european medieval history and myth. It is well researched for the given time period. The tough bit seems to be afeter everythinh done and said in a lifetime, very few are those that matter most. I guess the description of the hypatia, skiapod and other mythical beast are from the travel of marco polo. I will attak that one next.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Oracle 10g on Fedora Core 8

Yes, installing oracle 10g on fc8 is a pain. But there are two avenues on how to do it.

1. Download the dizwell script and run it with two parameters.

Download the script, save it with the .sh extension and give the execute permission to it.

chmod u+x

to run the script do the following.

./ fedora8 10g


but if you have hacked your linux beyond reckon, such a me, it is better to run each step one by one.

otherwise d'ont mess aroung run DORIS !!!

2. otherwise install the oracle db as per instructions below.

a. download oracle for your architecture. Be careful ! i tried to install a x64 version on i386, there was no such error as 'wrong architecture' !!! It was more a linking error of some sort.

b. modify the parameters of linux to make it suitable for Oracle. refer to the installation guide.

c. in a nutshell, follow 5. i.e. create a group 'dba' and a user 'oracle'

d. modify the kernel parameters as per 6. in /etc/sysctl.conf

kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 1048576
net.core.rmem_max = 1048576
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

e. modify oracle shell limit

f. create the oracle root and home directories with full access/ownership to the 'oracle' user and 'dba'.

g. modify the .bash_profile for oracle to add the usual oracle parameters e.g. $ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_SID $ORACLE_BASE

set the lock to the sloppy lock which otherwise will 'crap' xlib

Also, do add those to the .bash_profile


h. chekc if your internet conn is up and get the 'other' packages which are not supplied with a fedora core install.

yum install -y libaio gcc libaio-devel unixODBC unixODBC-devel sysstat elfutils-devel libstdc++-devel

The libxcb is critical as without it certain package such as dbca will give a xlib.c line 50 error.

yum --enablerepo=development -y install libxcb.i386

h.instead of clocking i propose that we run the installer with the ignore pre-requiresite. The -jreLoc is to specify the jre location otherwise a funny error happens with the runinstaller. More technical discussions on the sun forums.

./runinstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -jreLoc /usr/lib/java/jvm

i. ready to install and run.

j. when it has been installed, Don't for get to start the console from:

emctl start dbconsole

k. et voila..

Happy New Year 2008.

weight, careers, 10 technical exams the year,time,money,ponder on ...

ps: i have also send a mail to me in 2037. Try

1 am L3g3nd !

I can say without any doubt that this is the best movie i have seen in 2007 (specially 2day). Will smith is gr8 as the guy on his own trip and yet losing his mind. His dedication to get things back on how it is is simple obsessional. One thing i find is the degree of oppressivity in the movie specially the tense 'hunt' scene. I did not like the way the 'top model' was barge into the movie. (she is not a bad actress..but not knowing bob treason..!!)

How could she manage in a big city at night ? These 'monsters' seem to be very quick and fast. The book , if i am not mistaken, has a different approach whereby 'legend' is what the monster called smith.

He is their 'dracula' culling hives at night. But the filmaker has skipped that angle. It is too morbid anyway..